Data Sheets

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Data Sheets

Capacitors | Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors

Screw terminal

Modell Un DC Capacity Temperature Level Life Expectancy @ Tmax. Case Size Specialities
Felsic 125 16Vdc - 350Vdc 220µF - 150.000µF -55°...+125° 3500 hours 36x53mm - 90x145mm Longest Life/
High Vibration Resistance
Felsic 105 16Vdc - 450Vdc 100µF - 470.000µF -55°...+105° 8000 hours 36x52mm - 90x200mm LongLife Grade 105°
Felsic 105 LP 10Vdc - 450Vdc 2.200µF - 220.000µF -55°...+105° 8000 hours 90x67mm High Power Bottom Cooling
Felsic HV 160Vdc - 450Vdc 1.000µF - 47.000µF -55°...+105° 8000 hours 51x81mm - 90x200mm High Current 105°/
High Vibration Resistance
Felsic HC 10Vdc - 500Vdc 100µF - 3.000.000µF -40°...+85° 8000 hours 36x44mm - 90x220mm High Energy/Discharge
PHR-ST 101/102 25Vdc - 450Vdc 220µF - 1.000.000µF -40°...+85° 10000 hours 35x60mm - 90x220mm LongLife Grade 85°
PGP-ST 500 350Vdc - 500Vdc 680µF - 22.000µF -25/-40°...+85° 5000 hours 50x80mm - 90x220mm General Grade 85°

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Modell Un DC Capacity Temperature Level Life Expectancy @ Tmax. Case Size Specialities
SnapSic 125 16Vdc - 100Vdc 470µF - 47000µF -55°…+145° 2000 hours 22x25mm - 35x50mm 2 Pin Longest Life/
High Current
SnapSic HV 160Vdc - 500Vdc 47µF - 2200µF -55°…+105° 8000 hours 22x25mm - 35x50mm 2 Pin High Rippel/
High Current
SnapSic HC 25Vdc - 450Vdc 47µF - 47000µF -40°…+85° 8000 hours 22x25mm - 35x50mm 2 Pin High Energy/Discharge
PHL-4TSI 299 400Vdc - 450Vdc 470µF - 2200µF -40°…+105° 5000 hours 35x50mm - 45x100mm 4 Pin Long Life/High Current
PHL-4TSI 095 350Vdc - 450Vdc 390µF - 2200µF -40°…+85° 10000 hours 35x50mm - 45x100mm 4 Pin/DIN LongLife Grade 85°
PHL-4TSI 096 350Vdc - 500Vdc 390µF - 2700µF -40°…+85° 5000 hours 35x50mm - 45x100mm 4 Pin/DIN General Grade 85°
PUL-SI159 250Vdc - 500Vdc 56µF - 1200µF -40°…+105° 5000 hours 22x25mm - 35x60mm 2 Pin Long Life 105° HV
PUL-SI158 16Vdc - 100Vdc 560µF 47000µF -40°…+105° 5000 hours 22x25mm - 35x60mm 2 Pin Long Life 105° LV

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Modell Un DC Capacity Temperature Level Life Expectancy @ Tmax. Case Size Specialities
CUBISIC 10Vdc - 450Vdc 100µF - 33000µF -55°…+105° 8000 hours 35x35x16mm - 35x50x16mm Cubic Shape/High Energy
CUBISIC LP 10Vdc - 400Vdc 220µF - 68000µF -55°…+105° 8000 hours 45x35x12mm - 45x75x12mm Cubic Shape/Bottom Cooling
CI-FRS 10Vdc - 500Vdc 22µF - 100000µF -55°…+85° 32000 hours 25x35mm - 40x100mm DIN On Maintenance/Spare Part
RLA 160 16Vdc - 50Vdc 33µF - 3300µF -55°…+155° 2000 hours 10x12mm - 18x35mm AEC-Q200
RMI 150 10Vdc - 100Vdc 22µF - 8200µF -55°…+105° 10000 hours 8x12mm - 18x40mm Long Life 105° LV
RMH 152 200Vdc - 450Vdc 1,5µF - 220µF /td> -40°…+105° 4000 hours 10x12mm - 18x35mm Long Life 105° HV
RTI-V 246 16Vdc- 63Vdc 390µF - 6800µF -55°…+125° 6000 hours 16x20mm - 18x35mm AEC-Q200/
High Vibration Resistance

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Modell Un DC Capacity Temperature Level Life Expectancy @ Tmax. Case Size Specialities
Prorelsic 145 16Vdc - 450Vdc 6,8µF - 10000µF -55°…+145° 2000 hours 14x30mm - 25x75mm High Temperature/
High Current
Prorelsic 125 CO52 10Vdc - 450Vdc 1µF - 25000µF -55°…+125° 5000 hours 6,5x15mm - 25x75mm Many Case Sizes/
High Temperature
Sical CO42 10Vdc - 630Vdc 2,2µF - 47000µF -55°…85° 10000 hours 6,5x15mm - 25x75mm Many Case Sizes/
High Energy
Vacsic 150 16Vdc - 450Vdc 6,8µF - 3300µF -55°…+150° 1500 hours 12x30mm - 16x30mm Longest Life/
High Vibration Resistance

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Capacitors | Power Capacitors

AC Capacitors

Modell Un AC Capacity Current Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
MKP-1p 300V - 850V 2,3µF - 270µF 9Arms - 45Arms -25° … +70° 35x78mm - 80x194mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
MKP-3p 450V - 850V 3,7,5µF - 3x100µF 13Arms - 46Arms -25° … +70° 75x208mm - 136x208mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
MKV 450V - 2400V 0,22µF - 44µF 16,0Arms - 80Arms -40° … +85° 30x76mm - 100x249mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
MHBA 370Vdc - 1100Vdc 0,22µF - 75µF 10,5Arms - 31,5Arms -40° … +85° (+100° max.) 17x28x42mm - 38x58x58mm Unprotected/Lug Connection

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DC Capacitors

Modell Un DC Capacity Current Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
TRAFIM 1,85KV - 6,00KV 110µF - 10600µF and more up to 400Arms -55° … +95° custom cubic Controlled Selfhealing/Confined Area
FILFIM 6,50KV - 56KV(till 100KV) 2,6µF - 612µF and more up to 120Arms -55° … +85° custom cubic Controlled Selfhealing/Confined Area
FFLC 800V - 1350V 1750µF - 25500µF up to 400Arms -40° … +85° custom cubic Controlled Selfhealing/Low Inductance
FHC 300V - 1400V 100µF - 1500µF up to 190Arms -40° … +115° custom cubic Automotive Standard/Custom Solution
LNK-M2..1 / ..2 700V - 1850V 105µF - 2900µF 30Arms - 100Arms -25° … +85° max. 85x127mm - 116x283mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
LNK-M3…1 / ….2 550V - 3000V 25µF - 6400µF 25Arms - 120Arms -25° … +85° 85x102mm - 136x345mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
LNK-P4 650V - 5000V 20µF - 2750µF 50Arms - 120Arms -40° … +85° 162x162x152mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
LNK-P5 450V - 4000V 300µF - 12000µF 180Arms - 300Arms -25° … +85° max. 380x150x235mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
LNK-P6 450V - 2200V 9µF - 230µF 35Arms -90Arms -25° … +85° max. 70x59mm - 90x60mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
LNK-P7 450V - 2200V 180µF - 2000µF 90Arms - 165Arms -25° … +85° max. 165x75x170mm Not longer available. Please ask us for substitute
MHBS/MHBM 575V - 1275V 0.68µF - 130µF 3,5Arms - 32,5Arms -40° … +100° max. 11x20x32mm - 45x65x57,5mm DC Filter High CU/Lugs/High Safety
PMC/RMC 250V - 700V 1,2µF - 100µF 10Arms - 33Arms -40° … +85° max. 17x28x42,5mm - 38x57,5x57,5mm High Current/Lug Box
FFVS/FFVE 300V - 1900V 12µF - 400µF 49Arms - 110Arms -40° … +105° 84.5x34 - 84.5x64mm Low Inductance/
High Current

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Resonance Capacitors/Pulse

Modell Voltage Capacity Current Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
PMB/RMB 700V - 3000V (380V-750Vrms) 0,047µF - 12µF 7Arms - 39,5Arms -40° … +85° (+100° max.) 17x28x42,5mm - 38x57,5x57,5mm IGBT Snubber High Puls/Lugs
PMC/RMC 250V - 700Vdc (160V-400Vrms) 1,2µF - 100µF 10Arms - 33Arms -40° … +100° 17x28x42,5mm - 38x57,5x57,5mm High Current low Puls/
Lug Box
PMS 550Vdc - 3000Vdc (340V-750Vrms) 0,068µF - 18,5µF 8Arms - 38Arms -40° … +100° 17x28x42,5mm - 38x57,5x57,5mm High Current medium Puls/Lug Box
FPG 0,8KV - 3,0KVdc (500V-1400Vrms) 0,12µF - 6µF 12Arms - 80Arms -40° … +85° (-55 on request) 40x52mm - 92x62mm Axial GTO Style/Dry Type
FPX 1,0KV - 3,0KVdc (560V-1400Vrms) 0,5µF - 6µF 15Arms - 160Arms -40° … +85° (-55 on request) 40x52mm - 98x163mm Axial GTO Style/Dry Type
PRX 3000Vdc 0,25µF - 7µF up to 160Arms -20° … +80° 93x75mm - 93x183mm Axial GTO Style/Oil Type hermetic

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Modell Ucharge Energy Current Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
DISFIM 1500V - 56000V up to 2,0KJoule/Liter to be defined to be defined custom 100% Security/Up to 100KJoule
FD 1000V - 1700V and more up to 1,5KJoule/Liter to be defined to be defined Standar/Custom High Level of Safety/
Standard Range

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Capacitors | Film Capacitors

DC Capacitors

Modell Un DC Capacity µF Current Arms Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
MHBS/MHBM 575Vdc - 1275Vdc 0.68µF - 130µF 3,5Arms - 32,5Arms -40°…+85° (+100° max.) 11x20x32mm - 45x65x57,5mm DC Filter Solder Pin/High Current/High Safety
DCH/DCS 450Vdc - 1500Vdc 0,68µF - 175µF 3,5Arms -31Arms -40°…+85° (+100° max.) 13x22x32mm - 45x65x57,5mm DC Filter Solder Pin/
High Energy/High Safety
PHB/RHB 250Vdc - 850Vdc 0,1µF - 100µF 4Arms - 36Arms -40°…+85° (+100° max.) 7x16x27mm - 38x57,5x57,5mm DC Filter/High Current
PHC 250Vdc - 850Vdc 0,1µF - 60µF 3,5Arms - 14Arms -40°…+70° (+85° max.) 9x27mm - 39,5x57mm Axial/High Current
MPH 100Vdc - 400Vdc 1µF - 30µF 4,5Arms - 30Arms -55°…+105° 13x19mm - 42x60mm Axial Pin/Lugs
MPL 160Vdc - 630Vdc 0,00475µF - 4,7µF on request -55°…+85° 5x13mm - 19x32mm Axial/Precision Tolerance

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AC Capacitors

Modell Un AC Capacity µF Current Arms Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
MHBA 160Vac - 550Vac 0,22µF - 75µF 3Arms - 31,5Arms -40°…+85° (+100° max.) 11x20x32mm - 38x57,5x57,5mm High AC Voltage Pin/
Lug connection
THZ 240Vac - 550Vac 0,68µF - 47µF 7Arms - 29Arms -40°…+85° (+100° max.) 14x28x32mm - 38x57,5x57,5mm High AC Voltage/
High Humidity Protection
MAB 160Vac - 500Vac 0,1µF - 40µF on request -25°…+85° 7x16x27mm - 35x50x42mm Motorrun/Several Connection Style
MAR 160Vac - 400Vac 0,22µF - 60µF 2Arms - 14Arms -40°…+85° 8x27mm - 39x57mm Axial AC Capacitor

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Resonance Capacitors/Pulse

Modell Un DC(AC) Capacity µF Current Arms Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
PSB/RSB 700Vdc(380Vac) - 3000Vdc(750Vac) 0,0047µF - 12µF 1,5Arms - 37,5Arms -40°…+85° (+100° max.) 7x16x26,5mm - 38x57,5x57,5mm High Current / High Puls
PHS 550V(340V) - 3000V(750V) 0,0068µF - 18,5µF 1,5Arms - 37Arms -40°…+85° (+100° max.) 7x16x27mm - 38x58x58mm High Current/Puls
PWS 630V(300V) - 2000V(500V) 0,001µF - 0,56µF on request -55°…+105° 7x19mm - 25x32mm Axial High Frequency/
High Puls
PPA 700V(420V) - 3000V(750V) 0,0047µF -6,8µF 1Arms - 14Arms -40°…+70° (+85° max.) 9x27mm - 40x57mm Axial improved Puls/
Current Switching
PPS 700V(420V) - 3000V(750V) 0,0068µF - 10µF 1Arms - 14Arms -40...+85°C 9,5x27mm - 40x57mm Axial Puls/Current Switching
PPR 250V(175V) - 2000V(700V) 0,0022µF - 20µF on request -55°…+105° 5x11x18mm - 35x50x42mm Standard Snubber High Energy
PPB 250V(160V) - 2000V(700V) 0,001µF - 15µF on request -55°…+105° 5x11x18mm - 35x50x42mm Standard Snubber
FAV 600V(300V) - 2000V(650V) 0,08µF - 1,2µF 10Arms - 40Arms -40°…+85° 40x36x40mm High Power for Ressonance

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Polyester Capacitors

Modell Un DC Capacity µF Current Arms Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
MTB 63Vdc - 1000Vdc 0,022µF - 200µF on request -55°…+105° 5x11x18mm - 35x50x42mm General DC-Link
MTR 63Vdc - 1000Vdc 0,01µF - 150µF on request -55°…+105° 5x13mm - 32,5x44mm Axial General DC-Link
MWR/MWF 50Vdc - 1500Vdc 0,001µF -100µF on request -55°…+105°/td> 5x13mm - 35x44mm Axial Flat pressed DC-Link
MWS 2500Vdc - 10000Vdc 0,0015µF - 0,56µF on request -55°…+105° 7x27mm - 40x60mm Axial High Voltage DC-Link

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Capacitors | Supercapacitors

Screw terminal/Snap-In/Single-Ended

Modell Un DC Capacity Current Arms Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
SCC LE Series 2,7Vdc 1F - 850F 1A - 545A -40°…+85° 8x12mm - 35x115mm Improved Puls Current
SCC Series 2,7Vdc 1F - 3000F 0,9A - 2165A -40°…+85° 6x12mm - 60x138mm Solder/SnapIn/Screw Range
SCM16 16Vdc 500F 1900A -40°…+85° 68x418x159mm Assembled Kit
SCM48 48Vdc 165F 2165A -40°…+85° 190x415x159mm Assembled Kit

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Capacitors | Power Factor Correction (PFC Capacitors)

Power Factor Correction (PFC Capacitors)

Modell Un AC Capacity µF Current Arms Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
PAB 440V - 525V 32µF - 83µF 4,6A - 11,5A -25°…+55° 45x143mm - 65x143mm Single Phase MKP
PRB/PMB 230V - 690V 3x3,2µF - 3x100,3µF 2,5A - 66A -25°…+55° 50x125mm - 136x355mm 3-phase MKP

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Motorrun Capacitors

Modell Un AC Capacity µF Current Arms Temperature Level Case Size Specialities
MAB/MSB 400V - 450V 0,8µF - 40µF on request -25°…+85° 25x48mm - 45x133mm P0 / Plastic Case
MAB/MKP 400V - 500V 1µF - 80µF on request -25°…+85° 25x48mm - 65x143mm P2 / Aluminium Case

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Resistors | Thickfilm Resistors

Thickfilm Resistors

Modell Power Ohmic Range Working Voltage Isolation Voltage IP Class Specialities
PR100/PR101/PR103 100 Watts 1R - 100K (1 Mohm) 1500V 2500V IP00 UL94V0/Low Inductance/
PR102 2x50 watts 2x1R - 2x100K 1500V 2500V IP00 UL94V0/Low Inductance/
Multiple Executions
PR250 (T/C) 250 Watts 1R - 1M 5000V 7000V(12000V) IP00 UL94V0/Low Inductance/Standard
PR254 (T/C) 250/2x110/3x70 Watts 1R - 1M (R1=R2=R3) 5000V 7000V(12000V) IP00 UL94V0/Low Inductance/
Multiple Executions
PR250M (T) 250 Watts R039 - 1R 5000V 7000V(12000V) IP00 UL94V0/Low Inductance/High Puls
PR500M (T) 500 Watts 1R - 18R 5000V 7000V(12000V) IP00 UL94V0/Low Inductance/High Puls
PR600 600 Watts 1R - 1M 5000V 7000V(12000V) IP00 UL94V0/Low Inductance/
Medium Power
PR800 800 Watts 1R - 1M 5000V 7000V(12000V) IP00 UL94V0/Low Inductance/
High Power

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Resistors | Wirewound Resistors


Modell Power Ohmic Range Voltage Case Size Working Temperature Specialities
CS-Series 3 - 15 Watts R01 - 82K 130V - 1100V 5.2x12mm - 9.5x51mm -55° … +350° Defined Pulsload/Low Inductive Solution on request
RNO-Series 40 - 1620 Watts 0R033 - 120R 750V - 4000V 14x51mm - 65x500mm -55° … +450° High Power Corrugated Wire/
Vitreous enamelled
SRS-Series 10 - 750 Watts 1R - 100K 350V - 6000V 8x34mm - 50x373mm -55° … +450° Standard Series/Vitreous enamelled
SRX-Series 18 - 750 Watts 2R2 - 150K 500V - 6000V 10x45mm - 42x363mm -55° … +450° Low Inductive Version/Sliding Collar/Vitreous enamelled

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Modell Power Ohmic Range Voltage Case Size Working Temperature Specialities
RB-Serie 10 - 250 Watts 0R01 - 120K 265V - 2500V Standard Case size aluminium housed -55° … +250° Low Inductance/
Defined Puls Load/MIL
RB25/50 - 6 25 - 50 Watts 0R01 - 100K 550V - 1250V Standard Case size aluminium housed -55° … +250° Increased Creapage Distance
RB50 - 8 50 Watts 0R1 - 100K 1250V Standard Case size aluminium housed -55° … +250° Screw Terminal Connection

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Modell Power Ohmic Range Voltage Case Size Working Temperature Specialities
SRC-Series 10 - 1150 Watts 0R5 - 30K 650V - 4500V 8x34mm - 65x390mm -55° … +450° Round cemented Style
SREC-Series 30 - 1300 Watts 1R - 50K 400V - 5000V 31x11x32mm - 72x18x500mm -55° … + 450° Flat cemented Style

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Resistors | Breaking Resistors

Grid Box

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Modell Power Ohmic Range Working Voltage Isolation Voltage IP Class Specialities
BDR-Serie 2500 - 32000 Watts 2R - 350R please consult us 4500V IP21 - IP23 High Power Breaking/
Noise Reduction on request
RDP-Serie 800 - 5000 Watts 0R3 - 100R 950V - 4000V 3000V - please consult us IP00 High Power Breaking/Load application

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Modell Power Ohmic Range Working Voltage Isolation Voltage IP Class Specialities
ULTRA High Power 0,6 - 1450 KW consult us 1000V - 6600V 3,5KV - 20KV IP65 - IP66 Water-cooled or ventilated Solution
Steel Grid 3,0 - 55 KW consult us 1000 - 1400V 3,0KV IP00 - IP23 Steel Grid Crowbar

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Extruded Housing

Modell Power Ohmic Range Voltage Isolation Voltage IP Class Specialities
RFH-Series 330 - 1000 Watts 0R5 - 27K 1200V - 4000V 4000V - 4500V IP54 - IP55 High Power breaking/Charging/
SFO-Series 70 - 380 Watts 4R7 - 250R 2000V 3500V IP55 Low Power Breaking/Charging/
SRFA-Series 300 - 550 Watts 4,5R - 330R (P x R)^0,5 3000V IP55 (IP65 on request) Medium Power Breaking

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